Basic Action

Basic Action
Hey, Hanno Burger
I'm writing to let you know that I can't attend class for two weeks as I've had an accident and hurt my back. I'm afraid I also need to ask for an extension for next week's essay.
Until then, my friend is going to record the lectures so I can listen to them at home. I will try to catch up with all the reading too. However, I don't think I can submit the essay next week. Is it possible to have an extension?
Luis Rocha

Creative Director

2022 Orient. Design & Develop by Tenubah Technologies

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2022 Orient. Design & Develop by Tenubah Technologies

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2022 Orient. Design & Develop by Tenubah Technologies

Password Changes Action

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Change your password
  • Open your account. You might need to sign in.
  • Under "Security," select Signing in to Google.
  • Choose Password. You might need to sign in again.
  • Enter your new password, then select Change Password.

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2022 Orient. Design & Develop by Tenubah Technologies

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Design & Develop by Tenubah Technologies