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Order Date

05 April, 2022

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Viss - 4622
Her'e what you ordered:
Product Details Quantity Amount
Sweatshirt for Men (Pink)

Graphic Print Men & Women Sweatshirt

02 $239.98
Noise NoiseFit Endure Smart Watch

32.5mm (1.28 Inch) TFT Color Touch Display

01 $94.99
Subtotal $334.97
Shipping Charge $9.50
Taxs $15.26
Discount $20.78
Total Amount $338.95

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Thank you!

2022 Orient. Design & Develop by Tenubah Technologies

Feedback Action

Good design & good support. Go for it

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Feel free to get in touch with us anytime via support from the link below.

Thank you!

2022 Orient. Design & Develop by Tenubah Technologies

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350 ml Glass Grocery Container

Category : Grocery

Urban Ladder Pashe Chair

Category : Furniture

Half Sleeve Round Neck T-Shirts

Category : Fashion

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2022 Orient. Design & Develop by Tenubah Technologies

© Orient.
Design & Develop by Tenubah Technologies